
Smart Homes: Living with AI


Date & Time

No further occurrences


The Digital Greenhouse

Updated on 12.03.20:

Due to a number of companies issuing advice about avoiding group meetings unless absolutely essential, we have taken the decision to postpone this event. 

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but we feel that it is the right decision at this time.  We will look to reschedule in due course.  Please click here to sign up to our newsletter to be kept up-to-date with the latest news, events and activities. 

A showcase for the latest advancements in AI and Smart Home technology

Are you interested in how technology in the home can make our lives easier, save energy, bring greater safety and make our homes more fun to live in? Would you like to add Smart Home gadgets to your property but perhaps don’t fully understand how the technology works and what the purpose is for? Do you have concerns about Smart Home technology and are hesitant to use it?

Talk to our experts at this event who will enable you to have the best possible living experience using Smart Home Technology. Providing a showcase for some of the latest exciting advancements in AI and Smart Home technology, giving you the opportunity to talk to local experts and get hands-on with the latest products.

With vendors from Barclays mortgages, Soup Architects, Guernsey Electricity, Black Arrow Cyber, Office of Data Protection Authority, Sensible Technology, Sure and more to be announced.


Barclays Mortgages

An event showcasing some of the latest advancements in AI and Smart Home technology, giving attendees the opportunity to talk to local experts and get hands on with the latest products

Soup Architects

The process of designing buildings has seen many applications of AI ever since Computer-Aided Design (CAD) replaced the pen and pencil. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a collaborative method of design that SOUP has been using since the practice started in 2012. AI will transform the management of the BIM process within CAD with huge benefits to the environment, the construction industry and the end-user of 'smart' homes and buildings. SOUP will be able to demonstrate the BIM design process, discuss its advantages and how this technology will develop in the future.

Guernsey Electricity

Guernsey Electricity will be able to advise on how our customers can reduce their carbon foot print and review how technology will be at the forefront of decarbonising heating and transport.

Black Arrow Cyber

Security Considerations of the Smart Home - Considering the security and privacy implications of connected devices in smart homes

Office of Data Protection Authority

AI and You

Sensible Technology

An introduction to smart home


Smart Homes/Connectivity