
Rise & Shine Breakfast Networking - July 2023

Date & Time

No further occurrences


Muse Cafe

‘Unlocking fulfilment and success: Do what you love'

Join us for an inspiring talk with Tim Langlois, a successful entrepreneur who turned redundancy into an opportunity to follow his passions. Tim will share his story and offer advice on how to identify your skills and passions, turn them into a fulfilling career, and stay determined in the face of challenges. He will discuss how he built up his successful photography, baking and creative businesses, and share tips on how to turn your creativity and passions into a thriving business.

Don't miss this chance to be inspired and learn from Tim's journey of entrepreneurship, passion, and determination.

Plus you will have the opportunity to network in a friendly and relaxed environment and enjoy a yummy breakfast.

Use #riseandshineguernsey when posting photos to social media!