
Interview with artist Louise Le Pelley

At The Digital Greenhouse, we have welcomed a new local artist to display her work in the space.

Here we take a look at the work of local artist Louise Le Pelley. Her work captures the good times and stories from quirky Guernsey places.

Read more about her muses and techniques in our artist interview below.

How does the space at the Digital Greenhouse best suit your work?

There are some synergies. The name Digital Greenhouse pays homage to the old days of tomato growing, whilst looking at digital technologies as a new form of growth. My artwork very much celebrates Guernsey traditions and nights out with the community... however it has gained a lot of popularity online via social media. A different form of growth!

Who are your biggest artistic influences?
In terms of what I undertake currently, I would say Franco-Belgian BD artists such as Uderzo, Goscinny & Marcel Marlier (the pens behind Tintin, Asterix & Obelix, Lucky Luke & Martine) I've also always been inspired by animation artists Walt Disney, Mary Blair, Don Bluth & Hayao Miyazaki. I have very poignant memories of watching Disney classics as a little girl in both English and French. The Aristocats was a particular favourite!
Where do you find inspiration and what motivates you to create?
I find inspiration from looking intently at the world around me. I am lucky to have a great network of art friends - you'll often find me at life drawing or at an open mic. I also get a lot of inspiration from my family and from my French heritage - my pub art could be interpreted as gallic - it celebrates the best moments in life! I am very proud to have dual nationality.
I love spending time outdoors people watching - or alone - with my paint palette, sharpened pencils and a great spotify playlist. I am very particular with my materials - I swear by Palomino Blackwing pencils. I am always motivated by positive feedback - featuring in En Voyage has been my highlight so far this year!
How can you encourage people to be more creative in their spare time?
Lean in to what inspires you and don't be afraid to reach out to artists you admire for guidance! My path into taking art seriously started in my late twenties - with asking a former teacher for advice. Be willing to learn and explore new things - a growth mindset can take you anywhere!
Describe how art is important to society:
I believe that art helps us to express ourselves through the ages and across different cultures. I studied French & German at University and as part of that, spent a lot of time studying art, literature, music and cinema. I have always enjoyed how art can engage across different ages and cultures and brings us all together, breaking down barriers.
How can people find out more about your work?
You can follow me on Instagram @guernseypubs , Facebook or the site I am very responsive to messages (especially memories and anecdotes!)

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