
Eagle Lab and Digital Greenhouse accelerator launches

Join us for the first 100 days of your new business, going from idea to reality.

Eagle Lab and the Digital Greenhouse are working together to provide a launch pad for new or fledgling business ventures, through a focused bootcamp, mentor support and series of expert twilight sessions, to accelerate from business idea to reality concluding with a public pitch night.

We are looking for…

Are you an individual or business (of up to 3) who are in the early stages of trading or have an idea that has potential to be developed further?


  • High potential businesses looking to startup in Guernsey

  • Business potential looking for a structured programme to get them started

  • An existing business looking to refresh or pivot their current business model/gain a new perspective

Apply for a place on our Flight Accelerator.

The Flight Accelerator offers the opportunity to:

  • Move from Wantrepenur to Entrepreneur
  • Build your own business
  • Get access to expert mentors to guide your business development
  • Join a network of like-minded people
  • Pitch to investors, companies and future customers 


The programme will start on Saturday 5th October with a full day HeadStart Bootcamp to develop your business idea.
This will be followed by a weekly twilight session running on Wednesday evenings for six weeks covering subjects such as; Marketing, Finance, Legal and Growth.


There are limited space left so if you are interested register using the form below.

Apply for a place on Starting-Up Saturday – 14th March 2020

Contact Details
Business Details

Please provide a description about what stage your business is currently at (initial idea, fledgling business or existing business wanting to undergo change).

Please provide names of other business partners who will be wanting to take part with you (due to limited space, no more than 2 people).

Please provide your reason for applying to participate in a Starting-up Saturday bootcamp, letting us know what you are hoping to achieve or learn more about (no more than 500 words).

All data is kept in accordance with our privacy policy which can be found at: digitalgreenhouse.gg/privacy/

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