Skills & Education

Digital Horizons: Meet the 2024 Discover Digital Interns

As our Discover Digital Internship comes to a close, it marks the eighth year that the summer programme has run, seeing talented local students placed in professional teams in some of the island's leading companies.

We heard from each of this year's interns to see what they have been working on during their placement, we discovered high-level inclusion in company projects from app development to design work and media creation, with our interns learning new digital skills and navigating their way through the complexities of working within professional teams

Ben Wratten, Programme & Engagement Manager at the Digital Greenhouse commented, “Working in partnership with local businesses to provide young people with an insight into career routes in Guernsey is hugely valuable and has had such a positive impact for those who have taken part over the past 7 years. This truly is a fantastic opportunity for students and graduates to experience cutting-edge digital projects as well as showcasing both employment opportunities and the range of  innovative companies we have operating here in the Island.”

The Internship Programme has seen steady support from local businesses, giving post-16 students an insight into the varied digital career paths available on island. One of which, First Central, has taken three interns each year since the programme started seven years ago to actively participate in planning and programming on live projects.

"First Central are delighted to once again support this year’s Digital Internship, which plays a crucial role in strengthening the prospects of our island's young, digital talent." commented Dan Edmunds, IT Technical Operations Manager at First Central on hosting interns again this year, "By setting students complex software development challenges, we provide them with hands-on experience that mirrors real workplace scenarios. Empowering the next generation of tech talent is not only rewarding but also essential to the future success of our island."

Keep reading for a snippet of the day-to-day life of 2024's Discover Digital Interns and their experiences on our programme below.

A day in the life of an intern

Aimee Strobl

Placement Company: Digital Greenhouse
What have you been working on during your internship?
I’ve been working on multiple different creative projects mainly in preparation for the Veyeon Awards including designing a ticket poster, creating the award badges, designing team polo shirts and making the logo wall. I’ve also been involved in creating a variety of social media content like editing instagram reels and trailers on premiere pro for upcoming and previous events and programmes held by Digital Greenhouse.
What does the day in the life of a Digital Intern look like?
My day would vary depending on the project I’ve been set, sometimes I’ll be on Adobe Illustrator designing content or products for the company or I could be editing videos on Premiere Pro making trailers and reels for their social media.
What has the working environment been like?
The working environment has been very friendly and welcoming. Everyone at the office has been very helpful as well as all the members I’ve spoken to.
What skills have you developed during your placement?
I have gained valuable hands-on experience of what working in the creative sector is like and have been able to develop my skills within the Adobe softwares including learning how to use new softwares like After Effects which my time at sixth form did not teach me. I’ve definitely expanded my design skills by getting involved in different projects other than just social media content.

Sarah Le Huray

Placement Company: First Central Group
What have you been working on during your internship?
During my internship I have worked on various tasks for the company. The majority of the
tasks were tickets that needed to have a solution built for them. I spent the majority of my
time working through these tickets. One of which I built my own error search bar which
produces a graph, which my colleague made, and produced the data to show how often that
error occurred. We have all been mainly working on the historical aspect of work and
showing previous data to help fix future problems.
What does the day in the life of a Digital Intern look like?
Normally I would get into the office at 8:30 and finish off any work I didn’t finish yesterday.
We officially started at 9:00 and then had a 9:30 standup where we discussed what work we
did yesterday, the work we are doing today and any blockers that are preventing us from
working. After that we cracked on with the work and finished our tasks for the day. We got an
hours lunch and we finished at 5:00. We had support throughout the whole day as well for
when we got stuck or needed to have a quick call about something specific.
What has the working environment been like?
The working environment here is lovely. The office is really relaxed and everyone seems to
get on with everyone. We have a nice big office with 2 small meeting rooms and a kitchen.
All the desks are in groups of 4 so each team can sit together. It’s really chilled out as well
and music is always on in the background. You are always supported as well whether it be
with work or other issues you may be facing.
What skills have you developed during your placement?
During my placement I have learnt loads of things. Many of those being IT related. I learnt 4
new code languages and I also learnt more people skills as well. Since we were working in a
team I learnt how to communicate with them better as well. One major thing I learnt would
have to be how the whole company works. There is so many teams and each one does
something different. I also learnt the basics of how all of their data works and where it all
comes from. One main thing I learned as well is that it doesn’t matter if someone has more
experience than you as well because you might surprise yourself at how much you actually

Sebastien Smith-Le Flocq

Company Placement: First Central Group
What have you been working on during your internship?
We worked as a group on some of the internal tools behind the software that powers the company’s insurance systems. My main task was to implement a notes system so that people within the company can communicate issues more efficiently. I loved the fact that I was creating a feature that would be genuinely useful in other people’s work, and I felt like I genuinely left a positive impact.
What does the day in the life of a Digital Intern look like?
I arrive at 9am and set out my laptop and things for the day. Every morning, we would have a meeting with some others from the company and set out where we were with our work. I found it easy to ask questions as there were a group of people supporting us the whole way. Hour-long calls trying to debug with them were not too uncommon, but they were always enjoyable to talk with so it never felt that long. The occasional game of table tennis at lunch was always a nice change from work and a good way to get to know others there. As we were implementing internal features, we would often go to others in the company and have a chat about their needs. And at 5pm, I’d pack up and say goodbye. As there’s lots to do, it never really felt like 8 hours.
What has the working environment been like?
It’s been really great. I’d been made to feel like a part of the company from the start and everyone has been supportive and friendly along the way. It was nice to be surrounded by lots of like-minded people. The office is modern and clean, and the coffee machine was very helpful in the mornings! It’s such a good feeling to be looking forward to a work week on Sunday night for once!
What skills have you developed during your placement?
The coding aspect involved full-stack web development, which while a steep learning curve, was incredibly rewarding and has left me with skills I can take to further projects. I found this really useful for me as it’s given me the chance to find what within technology ‘clicks’ with me, and what challenges me too! Before the internship, I was a little apprehensive about working with so many others in an office environment as that was something I hadn’t done before. I think this placement gave me valuable skills of teamwork and communication with others that you can only learn by being immersed in such an environment. I’m grateful for this and I feel I have grown as a person within these 6 weeks.

Ankit Manikyam

Placement company: PwC
What have you been working on during your internship?
During my internship at PwC, I've been deeply involved in developing an app that streamlines file tracking and Client Due Diligence (CDD) tasks. It's been rewarding to see how the app's checklist system helps the team monitor files, track due dates, and stay organized, ultimately boosting productivity and compliance.
What does the day in the life of a Digital Intern look like?
A typical day for me as a digital intern in Guernsey starts at 9:00 AM. I ease into the day by checking emails and catching up on tasks. The mornings are usually dedicated to coding or troubleshooting the app, with guidance from my supervisor during regular check-ins. Lunch is a nice break at 12:30 PM, where I head to the sunken gardens with friends to recharge. The afternoons involve virtual meetings or training sessions, learning new skills, or working closely with the team on ongoing projects. By 5:30 PM, I wrap up, feeling accomplished and ready for the next day.
What has the working environment been like?
The work environment at PwC has been nothing short of supportive and collaborative. From day one, I've felt like part of the team. The office is modern and well-equipped, which helps create a productive atmosphere. Learning and development are prioritized here, with plenty of opportunities for feedback and growth. The open communication culture means I never hesitate to ask questions or seek help, making it a positive and professional place to work.
What skills have you developed during your placement?
Throughout my placement, I’ve sharpened both technical and soft skills. On the technical side, I’ve become more proficient in app development, debugging, and managing databases. I’ve also gained valuable experience in project management, learning to handle timelines and keep projects on track. My soft skills have grown too—I’m more confident in communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, all of which have helped me adapt quickly to new challenges.

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