
Lunch && Code: Game Jam Round-up


Date & Time

No further occurrences


Digital Greenhouse

A message from Cortex on 13.03.20:

L&&C March 2020 cancelled

We've taken the somewhat inevitable decision to cancel March's edition of L&&C due to the Coronavirus.  Shucks.

We'll be back in May (hopefully...!)  Keep an eye on the DGH / Twitters / minisite for more info.

Stay well... and see you on the other side.

This month we'll be hearing from teams who took part in the Global Game Jam at the end of January, sharing the games they built and the process along the way.

Programmers, developers, designers, security enthusiasts... even if you're not a techy please, grab your sandwiches / sushi / carrot sticks and come along and potentially learn something new.


What's it all about?

Varied themes of a technical nature - coding, languages, game development, toolkits, electronics, AI, machine learning...

"Look what I made" sessions / show and tells...

General tech discussion...

But we'll inevitably cover any topic that's generally of interest to techy types!

We would like to hear feedback and suggestions from you for subjects to be covered in upcoming sessions.

Feedback form


Can't make this one?

We meet on the third Wednesday every other month from 1200 for around 30-45 minutes (but definitely no more than an hour. If you would like to be the first to hear about upcoming Lunch&&Code events and activities sign up to the mailing list below:

Mailing List

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